CLNM: Celebrating Success

CLNM: Celebrating Success

Posted 20th October 2022

It was great to attend the CLNM conference for the first time as the Greater Manchester Collaboration.  We were well represented by our ‘GM bee’ theme, setting up our joint identity and pride of our shared project.  Although all of the GM projects are different, we have added strength in our wider team since coming together from July of this year. 

All of the hard work came from our team leaders and facilitators, together with help from our Manchester CLMN reps, Dean and Olivia.  They worked the crowd in room, (and everywhere else) and helped us get the numbers to win best stall.  It’s going to be an amazing example for the new CLNM reps that we will be electing from our new cohort from Trafford and Manchester combined House Project. 

If this is what we can do in our first few months – think where we are going to be when we have 15 new young people in the cohort next year!  Great effort from Rachelann, Josh, Adi and Jess and the wider team from GM.  Bee Positive!


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