CLNM: Manchester & Trafford Head To Scotland

CLNM: Manchester & Trafford Head To Scotland

Posted 26th January 2023

On Saturday 21st January 2023, our 2 newly elected Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) Reps: Mya and Jay took a trip to Scotland for their first CLNM meeting. They were accompanied by Josh, our Manchester and Trafford Facilitator for their first visit, and they all boarded the train from Manchester Piccadilly to Fyfe in Scotland.


Despite the lengthy journey, everybody was excited as none of them had ever visited Scotland before. There were amazing, picturesque views of the countryside and mountains during the journey to Scotland, which didn't go unnoticed.


Once the group arrived in Fyfe, they met with other house projects in the North region and their newly elected reps. There were reps from House Projects in Lancashire, Oldham, Bury, Rochdale, Midlothian and Fyfe. It was great to see representation of multiple house projects, including Manchester and Trafford. The atmosphere was very positive and refreshing as all the young people immediately got along well with one another as they were discussing their different project bases and areas they are from, really getting to know each other. 


Facilitators left the young people with their new CLNM rep community to attend their meeting to discuss what being a CLNM rep means, their responsibilities and what they would like to happen in the future. 


Mya and Jay stated they enjoyed the meeting and are now in a group chat with all the young people who attended. Mya and Jay are excited for what the future may hold, having the exciting opportunity to make positive changes to many care leavers lives in Manchester and Trafford.


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