Group session update

Group session update

Posted 30th November 2022

This week is our second session for our groups and both sessions went really well, we had some burnt crispy pizzas made by staff to break some ice and just show it's not just young people who burn things! We also had Julia drop into the session from Virtual Schools speaking about employment, training and working choices and discussing young people's future plans and how they will achieve this. We also had the young people working as a team to create the tallest tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows and it was interesting to see the different structures were made that represented sturdiness and stability and others which were less durable, but every effort was appreciated. 
Burnt pizzas Tower building
These sessions really show the time taken to get to know each young person, their likes and dislikes and interests and create a safe space for these young people to get to know each other and create friendship groups. 
All the groups spoke about what foods they like to cook and have chosen for next weeks, Master Chef they want to create a Chicken curry, Carbonara, Jollof rice and lamb chops! Yum Yum this all sounds delightful, and I cannot wait to taste the great food these young people want to cook!
BEEP BEEP...One of our young people from Cohort 2, has just passed their Driving Test today and she is so happy, and we are all very proud of her! Olivia has already got her car ready and is waiting and is exploring different car insurance.

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