Manchester & Trafford House Project Head to Mini Golf

Manchester & Trafford House Project Head to Mini Golf

Posted 23rd February 2023

This week the Manchester and Trafford house project attended mini golf at Tree Top Adventure Golf in Manchester Printworks. As our young people have been working extremely hard lately in previous sessions on budgeting and managing money, we thought it be nice to just have a week where we relax and have some fun and bring both the Monday and Tuesday groups together, building on their sense of community.


When we arrived at mini golf, we were advised by staff there, but the teams had to be split up into groups one group of four and one group of three and the young people decided that we would have a girls' and a boys' team. The young people were very competitive and wanted to win but also there was a lot of banter and lots of smiles all around from everybody throughout the course. It was really refreshing to see that although it was quite competitive for some young people, everyone had fun, had a laugh with one another and celebrated their achievements when they got a hole in one! 


On the boys' team Hussein came out the winner and on the girls' team Mya came out the winner. Overall Mya took the least shots out of everybody and beat us all hands down. Not only did she beat everybody she then potted the ball on the bonus hole which meant she won a free game whenever she wishes to go back. Well done Mya!


To finish off, the group ordered pizzas, had a drink and were chatting between themselves and getting to know each other which again was great as some of our young people were meeting for the first time. We received lots of positive feedback from our young people that they really enjoyed the day - it was a lovely day, and we are looking forward to many more in the future!

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