Manchester and Trafford Residential 2023

Manchester and Trafford Residential 2023

Posted 9th June 2023

Wow, what beautiful weather we had for our residential in the Lake District at Lake Windermere. The Manchester and Trafford young people were all brought together for 3 whole days to begin an adventure, explore and do things they have never done before. The young people felt like there were on a mini break and got to climb some of the biggest mountains and reach highs they never thought they would have reach in their life and see views which were breath taking and saying, "they could stay here all evening watching the sun go down".

The groups scrambled up rocks and water and walked until their legs were aching. Diving into deep water and experiencing different aspects of nature with a bit of tree hugging! The best part was, I think for the young people was actually being able to be a young person and have fun, feel relaxed and most of all have a laugh! 

One of the young people said, "it's so nice to be able to walk down the street and not have to look over my shoulder and carry anything on me".

Even staff were challenged to face their fears with water and got to overcome them by being influenced and gentle pushed into the water by a young person!

The group got to do backflips into Lake Windermere and as they quote "don't get out yet I'm having too much fun". 

This was a really good residential for our group and they all really got to bond and build good friendships. These young people wouldn't usually be around or hang out with each other outside of the project but with the House Project we made this happen. I hope our young people remember this experience and hold these memories for a lifetime!
Beautiful end to a lovely residential!

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